Hogarth Exhibition

Political corruption and unrestricted debauchery

Soane Musuem



Hogarth satirises the an Election in 1754 with four paintings exposing the rowdiness and corruption at the Hustings.


The first painting, An Election Entertainment depicts the Whigs throwing a party in a tavern to get votes. The only man who refuses to take a bribe, is being nagged by his wife to pocket it. Meanwhile his child points out he needs new shoes. Our eyes are constantly met by the grotesque; the fat mayor collapsing after eating too many oysters, the candidate kissing an old ugly hag in exchange for a vote and the painting of King George slashed and vandalised.


Canvassing for Votes is the second stage of An Election satirising the decline of Britain. One man is taking bribes from both the Whigs and the Tories, with a sardonic smile. Two men in the background reminisce on the heroic naval victory, against the French, using pieces of clay pipe to explain the Order of Battle, however the pride seems to have faded. The mighty British lion has been reduced to a bench gnawing on the symbol of France. In the background one can observe a drunken riot.



The third painting is The Polling a scene that depicts chaos, division and lunatics. This is the final stage where voters, (the franchise only extended to those who earned 40 shillings a year), decide who will represent them in Parliament. We see the two opposing parties symbolised by the two different flags, the Blue for the Tories (still in used by the Conservative Party today) and the Orange/Buff for the Whigs (still used by its successor party the Liberal Democrats). An idiot who is voting fails to understand the issues, but a Tory voter whispers words of advice in his ear. The rowdy, violent Punch and Judy like rivalry between the two political factions has been revived in Britain by the EU Referendum.


The final scene Chairing a Member shows the successful fat and happy Tory candidate (and now MP!) being paraded proudly in a sedan chair by his supporters. Hogarth has captured the hate and chaos with a fight, and the Tory being toppled from his chair.


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